Discover flexible, comfortable piercing jewellery with our BioFlex Body Jewellery. BioFlex is an incredible material with excellent biocompatibility and flexibility. It moves with your piercings, reducing stress, swellings and healing times. We have a great range of BioFlex Retainers and BioFlex Barbells as well as a complementary selection of PTFE Barbells to choose from.
BioFlex Balls and Accessories45 Products
BioFlex Bananabells20 Products
BioFlex Barbells15 Products
BioFlex Essentials10 Products
BioFlex Eyebrow Bars26 Products
BioFlex Labret Stems5 Products
BioFlex Labret Studs7 Products
Bioflex Nipple Jewellery27 Products
BioFlex Nose Studs and Rings21 Products
BioFlex Push-Fit Accessories67 Products
BioFlex Retainers31 Products
According to the current state of knowledge BioFlex conforms to all world wide standards on use of body jewellery materials.
BioFlex jewellery is flexible, making it ideal for industrial and facial applications – allowing movement will minimise risk of injury to any piercing.
BioFlex jewellery is heat tolerant (suitable for autoclaving.) BioFlex jewellery can also be threaded by metal closures and cut to any length with a sharp blade.
Unlike PTFE, BioFlex jewellery is available in many colours and shapes (Banana bars , Circular Bars , barbells , Labrets and Nose studs.)
BioFlex can be combined with G23 Titanium, Silver, Acrylics, Gold and many other materials.
BioFlex is independently judged to be biocompatible and benefits of use include minimised swelling, infections and faster healing times.